Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Dr. Bipeenchandra has special expertise in treatment of Coronary artery disease. A team approach assures that all available options are considered and presented to the patient in an unbiased fashion for their consideration. It is important to consult a highly experienced team in order to insure that the correct treatment is chosen for each patient’s specific anatomy. A patient who has stents implanted inappropriately is unlikely to obtain a good long term result. The surgical option should not be chosen if stenting can offer a less invasive and successful treatment.
Dr. Bipeenchandra, Offers unbiased opinion on your heart condition.
For Bypass Surgery He uses exclusively total arterial bypass grafting. Bilateral internal mammary arteries are GOLD standard in the treatment of coronary artery disease. The patency rate of internal mammary artery after 20 years of surgery is about 88.6%.
With the use of modern technology the results of CABG surgery are excellent with very low mortality and morbidity. Our success rate is over 99.4%.
In one Incision over your chest the entire operation is performed. No additional Incisions on hand or legs.